I have this assignment for my Social Studies class about the National Convention. Well most of you know about the National Convention thing since you watch Republicans or Democratic. The essay is focusing on First Lady Michelle Obama and Ann Romney. They gave speeches at their husbands' respective national convention.
This is the info. that I got from the assignment handout my teacher hand out:
National Convention Speeches
You task is to write an essay in which you will critically analyze both speeches and reflect upon the message, tone, mood, and context. In you essay answer the questions, such as
1. How did one speech compare to the other?
2. According to First Lady Michelle Obama's speech, what can you infer her husband's view of America and the role of the president
3. According to Ann Romney's speech, what can you infer her husband's view of America and the role of the president
4. What did you like about each speech? What do you believe could have made the speeches better? Did you have any issues with either of their message? What surprised you? What questions arose as you listened to each speech?
National Convention Speeches Essay Format
(Paragraph 2 and 3) Focus on Ann Romney: In these paragraphs please discuss you overall view (positive and negative) about the speeches; audience reception; possible implications of gender roles; and what one could infer about their spouse's view of America.
(Paragraph 4 and 5) Focus on First Lady Michelle Obama: In these paragraphs please discuss you overall view (positive and negative) about the speeches; audience reception; possible implications of gender roles; and what one could infer about their spouse's view of America.
(Paragraph 6, 7, and 8) Critically compare and analyze each speech. Also, include you answer to some or all of the questions. You can also focus on the questions that arose as you watched both speeches. Also, include you answer to some or all of the questions
(Paragraph 9 and 10) Conclusion: Recap and Summarize you views and highlight the greater implication (meaning) for the American people, and global society.
I have to use sophisticated vocabulary words.
Please let me know if there any grammar errors, any good vocab. words you suggest to make my essay better, and important of all IS IT GOOD?
This worth 20% of my grade and this is my first writing assignment since the beginning of the school year. I already watch the speeches in class last week.
BTW --- There are 11 paragraphs in my essay (this is how much my teacher wants it but she did the intro. for me and the class)
I REALLY want to get a good grade (mostly a 100) in this writing assignment.
PS --- I'm almost done with this essay so I'm going to post it in a few minutes
4 answers
And, of course, considerd one of my favorite plain language poems: http://niv.scripturetext.com/psalms/23.htm
I know, your teacher wants it anyway. But try to use those words you know.