(I have no idea what to do I've asked our professor for help with this numerous times he refuses please help, I know how to make input boxes and a command button but that is it)

(1) When an object is thrown into the air it exhibits what is called projectile motion. You will (or already have) studied this motion in a physics class. Equations describing this motion are shown in the table below. In these equations, t is time, x is horizontal position, y is vertical position, v is velocity, and a is acceleration. The subscripts x and y refer to velocity and acceleration in the x or y direction, and the subscript zero refers to time 0.
vx = vx0 + axt
vy = vy0 + ayt
x = x0 + t(vx0 + vx)/2
y = y0 + t(vy0 + vy)/2
x = x0 + vx0t + axt2/2
y = y0 + vy0t + ayt2/2
vx2 = vx02 + 2ax(x – x0)
vy2 = vy02 + 2ay(y – y0)
Only a subset of the equations in the table will be needed for this project; you will determine which ones you will use. In addition, vx0 = v0cos(q0) and vy0 = v0sin(q0), where v0 is the initial speed with which the object is thrown, and q0 is the angle (measured from horizontal) of the direction in which the object is thrown.
In this project, we will choose the horizontal position from which the object is thrown as the starting point, giving x0 = 0 m. Also, ignoring air resistance (drag), ax = 0 m/s2, and ay = -9.81 m/s2 (gravity acting downward). The user will specify y0, vo, and q0. The goal is to determine the time and horizontal position when the object hits the ground (y = 0 m). To accomplish this, you will create a program to do the following:
When the user clicks the command button, use a message box (NOT an input box) to allow the user to choose whether he will guess the time for the object to hit the ground or the horizontal position when the object hits the ground. You may wish to refer to the file “Message Box Response” that was discussed in class.
Use input boxes to obtain the y0, vo, and q0 and the guess value from the user. Other data whose values are given above will be assigned values and data types using the Const statement (see text).
Calculate the vertical position. If it is within 0.1 m of ground level, congratulate the user and tell him the horizontal position and time (one of which will need to be calculated). If the vertical position is not close to ground level, give the user a suitable message, indicating what qualitative change in his guess value is needed. In this case, do not use the default parameter vbOKOnly in the message box.
There are two times that conditional statements must be used in this project. Use the If/Then/Else structure one time and the Select Case code structure the other time.
Notes: Be sure that all of your communication to the user (command button, input boxes, and message boxes) is clear. As a check, when y0 = 10m, v0 = 10 m/s, and q0 = 45°, the object hits the ground at t = 2.32 s and x = 16.4 m.

1 answer

it looks like we share same professor hahahah

add me on zamanei1974 messenger, maybe we could solve it