I have little time and am supposed to write a bibliography about one of the following:
The Cherokee and the Trail of Tears
The Holocaust
The election of President Obama
The Civil Rights March& MLK's "I Have A Dream" Speech
The Louisiana Purchase.
The Battle of Gettysburg
I am NOT asking for someone to do this for me, I just wnatto do the quickest thing, and something that I care about a lot and know about. That narrows me down to The election of President Obama, The Civil Rights March& MLK's "I Have A Dream" Speech, and the Cherokee and the Trail of Tears.
Which is quickest from above? Thanks!
2 answers
There is no quickest. Whole books have been written about all three of these. It depends upon how much detail you want to go into.
You have to write a bibliography? What format are you to use? APA? MLA? Chicago?
What have you looked up about your chosen topic?
What have you looked up about your chosen topic?