I have learning how prepare for an effective meeting. For an effective meeting you must invite a neutral facilter to sensitive meeting, only hold a meeting if necessary , an meeting must have clear objectives , all meeting have an agenda which includes: topic for discussion , presenter or discussion leader for each topic and time allotment for each topic. Meeting information needs to be circulating to everyone prior to the meeting. Make sure that a meeting including, meeting agenda location, date, time. , meeting objectives and background information. I have learned that a meeting must start precisely on time. How Punctual you are give you how serious you are. The participant must be well prepared, arrive on time be consist and to the point Meeting effectiveness must be review at the end of each meeting and a suggested improvement applied to the next meeting. I have received many tips how prepared an effective meeting. When we must go to working we must prepared and participate in a meeting after this lesson I have learned how to prepared and participate in a meeting. I know how to apply this tip for an effective meeting. During the lesson we must making a meeting a send to a teacher.
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