It seems like you're listing organic compounds that contain the elements carbon (C), hydrogen (H), oxygen (O), and nitrogen (N). These elements are fundamental components of four major classes of biomolecules:
Carbohydrates: Composed mainly of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, carbohydrates serve as a primary energy source for living organisms. Examples include sugars (like glucose) and starches.
Lipids: This group includes fats, oils, and phospholipids. While lipids primarily consist of carbon and hydrogen, some (like phospholipids) may contain oxygen and nitrogen.
Proteins: Proteins are made up of amino acids, which contain carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen. They perform a wide variety of functions, including catalyzing reactions (as enzymes), providing structural support, and regulating processes in the body.
Nucleic Acids: These are polymers made of nucleotide units, which consist of nitrogenous bases, sugars (which contain carbon and oxygen), and phosphate groups. DNA and RNA are the two main types of nucleic acids, responsible for genetics and information transfer in cells.
If you have specific questions or need further information about any of these biomolecules, feel free to ask!