The square root of a number is the number which multiplied by itself results in the original number.
Number Square Root
9 3
16 4
23 4.796 (approximately)
There are methods to calculate the square root without a calculator, but they are a bit involved.
google: calculating square root
to find some "non-calculator" methods. The bottom line is use a calculator.
i have been studying square roots and still don't understand it...i need more examples how do i find the square root of 7....
4 answers
To clarify the previous posting
Number, Square Root:
9, 3
16, 4
23, 4.796 (approximately)
Number, Square Root:
9, 3
16, 4
23, 4.796 (approximately)
â«âă(3x^2-7)/(3x+2) dxă