I have asked this question and was told to use my own judgement because either answer could be correct. I can only select one answer. I am reposting the question in hopes that someone else can give me some input.

Hannah's mother said,
"Hannah is such a penil-and-paper kid."
It is likely that Hannah will:

A.) will be a good reader


B.) will learn to write,forming her
letters perfectly.

My text states:

"Because alphabet letters are more abstract than represenative drawings,
some educators suggest that drawing precedes writing. Brittan's research
(1973)found that children who were making closed forms and recognizable letters in their drawings made close forms and recognizable letters if they attempted writing.
Durkin(1996)identifies a characteristic
that was common to almost all children
in her research study who read early and continued to hold their lead in reading achievement:the children were described by parents as"pencil-and-paper kids," whose starting point of curiosity about written language was an interest in scribbling and drawing.
Scribblers,doodlers,drawers,and pencil-and paper kids are all labels researchers have used to describe children who have an early interest in
writing,and much of what they do has been promoted by seeing print in their favorite books.
Once that a word is recognized in print,
copying that word onto another paper
or manipulating magnetic alphabet
letters to form the word is a natural outgrowth. This activity leads to parent attention and approval and further attempts."

I have ried researching the internet for information on this question-
and only received minimal information.

I really do not know which would be a better answer because the text mentions both choices A and B.

Please help!

1 answer

My granddaughters have always loved crayons, pencils, markers -- anything! -- and paper. They both have been drawing and pseudo-writing since they were about 2 or 2½ years old. They are both turning into really good, solid readers -- one in first grade and one in second. The one in second grade has even been sounding out unfamiliar words -- no fear! Both are also learning to write; the second-grader writes complete sentences and sometimes uses words she knows the meaning of but doesn't know how to spell. But neither of them is forming her letters perfectly.

I think it's that word "perfectly" that makes B not correct. It takes more years and much more small-muscle motor control to be able to do that. My grandson (now age 15), also a good and early reader, didn't work on forming letters perfectly until he was about in 3rd or 4th grade.

From my observation, it's the reading that precedes everything. Forming letters perfectly comes much later, if at all.
