I have answered these questions, but would like someone to review them.. can you please check the answers that i've chosen? thanks in advance!
Identify the function of the infinitive in the sentence. Choose from the following: subject, direct object, object of the preposition, predicate noun, adjective, adverb
1. The person to ask is your mother.
Function of the infinitive: adjective
2. It is too expensive to travel.
Function of the infinitive: direct object
3. Chance hates to erase the boards.
Infinitive phrase: to erase the boards
Function of the infinitive phrase: adverb
4. To know her is to love her.
Infinitive phrase: to know her
Function: subject
Infinitive phrase: to love her
Function: predicate noun
6. To speak clearly is essential to being understood.
Infinitive phrase: To speak clearly
Used in sentence as: subject
7. My goal is to write a best-selling novel.
Infinitive phrase: to write a best-selling novel
Used in sentence as: predicate noun
8. The psalmist says, "To do Thy will I take delight."
Infinitive phrase:To do Thy will
Object of the infinitive: will
9. Mr. Hutton asked me to help with the younger children.
Infinitive phrase: to help
Subject: me
7 answers
1. The person to ask is your mother.
Function of the infinitive: adjective
2. It is too expensive to travel.
Function of the infinitive: direct object
no; there's no action verb there; direct objects occur only after action verbs.
3. Chance hates to erase the boards.
Infinitive phrase: to erase the boards
Function of the infinitive phrase: adverb
no; this one DOES occur right after an action verb!!
4. To know her is to love her.
Infinitive phrase: to know her
Function: subject
Infinitive phrase: to love her
Function: predicate noun
6. To speak clearly is essential to being understood.
Infinitive phrase: To speak clearly
Used in sentence as: subject
7. My goal is to write a best-selling novel.
Infinitive phrase: to write a best-selling novel
Used in sentence as: predicate noun
8. The psalmist says, "To do Thy will I take delight."
Infinitive phrase:To do Thy will
Object of the infinitive: will
?? - This is some kind of archaic phrasing. In today's English, we'd turn it around and say, "I take delight in doing Thy will" or (badly phrased) "I take delight to do Thy will." What is the infinitive closest to here? "delight" So what is its function?
9. Mr. Hutton asked me to help with the younger children.
Infinitive phrase: to help
Subject: me
Th infinitive phrase is to the relief-pitcher
It's a noun phrase?