I have answered these questions, but when it comes to the "functions" of the infinitives i get a little stuck.. can you please check the answers that i've chosen? thanks in advance!
Identify the function of the infinitive in the sentence. Choose from the following: subject, direct object, object of the preposition, predicate noun, adjective, adverb
1. The person to ask is your mother.
Function of the infinitive: adjective
2. It is too expensive to travel.
Function of the infinitive: predicate noun?
3. Chance hates to erase the boards.
Infinitive phrase: to erase the boards
Function of the infinitive phrase: adverb
4. To know her is to love her.
Infinitive phrase: to know her
Function: subject
Infinitive phrase: to love her
Function: direct object
6. To speak clearly is essential to being understood.
Infinitive phrase: To speak clearly
Used in sentence as: subject
7. My goal is to write a best-selling novel.
Infinitive phrase: to write a best-selling novel
Used in sentence as: adverb
8. The psalmist says, "To do Thy will I take delight."
Infinitive phrase:To do Thy will I take delight
Object of the infinitive: delight
Please help! These are so confusing :/ I know that infinitives are: "to ___" but what I don't know is the functions.. thanks in advance <3
1 answer