I am wondering what traditional moral and political philosophies are. In the last 20 years, in the US, the folks advocating "traditional" moral philosophies are plagued with chronic hyprocrisy, or we didn't understand what was meant by "family" values. Is racial hatred a family value?
Then modern values...again, it is meaningless to generalize.
In politics, it is unwise it seems to be specific, so you may want to just stay lofty (God, Country, Honor, Family) on the "traditional", and in the modern (Woman's choice, right to choose, freedoms).
Being a scientist, it is hard for me to understand this mish-mash of ideas.
I have an assignment that is asking me to create a political campaign ad for two political parties: first party supports traditional moral and political philosophies and another party supports modern moral and political philosophies.
I am confused on how to go about this? If some one could help with an example that would be helpful. I am not looking for someone to do my homework just help so I know which direction I should head in!!
Thank you for your help in advance!!
2 answers
Possibly this article will be helpful:
I hope it helps. Thanks for asking.
I hope it helps. Thanks for asking.