I have already posted these questions -
but I still need more help to understand. Several stated (A) was the correct answer, but I am confused with this question. Please help me to understand,if you donot mind!!
A normally developing child can learn two languages(English and the native
language)simultaneously,provided that:
A) simple language forms are matched
to the child's immediate experiences.
B) both learning environments are responsive and consistent
Here is what my text states:
There are cognitive advantages to becoming proficient in more than one language.Perhaps the most important thing for the early childhood professional to understand is that for children learning a second language,it is much like learning a first language. The stages children go through are similar to the stages of learning their native language. Learning a second language is best accomplished within the context of interesting and meaningful activities when the language heard is simple,and matches what the child experiences at the time. In the early childhood classroom or daycare center children represent a wide variety of different stages of both first and second language
acquisition. Some children are in the process of learning two languages
simultaneously:their native language and English. Current evidence suggests that,for normally developing children,
learning two languages is not more
difficult than learning one if the learning environments are responsive and consistent. It is also the case,however,that if a child has difficulty learning the first language, he or she will have difficulty learning the second language. This also is true
for preschool children who mastered their first language(typically by age three or four)and then must learn English as a second language. The ease with which children learn a second language is based to a great extent
on the competence in their first
language. A solid foundation of skill
in the first language greatly assists learning a second language.
Therefore, there is great variability
among children in the early childhood
setting. Many young children learn their native language and English simultaneously;other,somewhat older children--particularly if they have not attended early childhood programs previously--are learning English as
a second language. The greater variability,however,may not result
from the amount of exposure to and competence in English,but from the
kind of communicative environments
to which they are exposed,both at home and in the early childhood setting.
As discussed previously,certain kinds of environments greatly facilitate the development of langage competence.
wouldn't (B) both learning environments
are responsive and consistent
be the best answer?
5 answers
I urge you to discuss with your teacher, if possible. If not, then you have to make your own decision.