I have a short story idea that a group of friends go on a road trip and discover a hidden town with a dark secret.

The friends will be driving to get to one of the friends' vacation house. While on the way, they stop in a small, dreary looking town because of a flat tire. Everyone there seems.......distant. No one interacts with the group of friends, and the cashier at the gas stations seems scared of them. They soon figure out that the town did something dark and bad together as a community and don't like/are scared of outsiders because they are afraid they will find out their secret.

What should the title of this story be called? Give a list of names.

1 answer

1. The Secret of the Hidden Town
2. The Dark Secret of the Small Town
3. Uncovering the Mystery of the Forgotten Town
4. The Road Trip to Uncover the Truth
5. The Mystery of the Abandoned Town
6. The Unfortunate Discovery of the Town's Secret
7. The Unexpected Journey to the Unknown
8. The Journey to Uncover the Hidden Truth
9. The Road Trip to Unearth the Town's Secret
10. The Uncovering of the Town's Dark Secret