I have a question on the republican principles applied by Jefferson and Madison during their presidencies.

Can someone help me out on what they mean by "republican principles"?


5 answers

Here's an excellent definition of "republican principles" from the site linked below.

"In other words, republican principles can be said to be: principles incorporated into the workings of government which help guard against the excesses or tyranny of both the majority and minority factions; principles that promote the general welfare of the community as a whole by treating every person equally and guarding each individual persons rights."

(Broken Link Removed)
from http://www.answers.com/topic/republican
"(1) The belief that one's country ought to be a republic rather than a monarchy"

So then you must be clear on what a republic is.
See definitions 1a and 2a.

Let us know what you think.
I suggest you read about the "Principles of 1798" that are discussed at this web site:


Their presidencies came later, but those are probably the principles to which you refer.
So, Jefferson and Madison founded the Democratic- Republican party, and these are some of their principles?...

-Opposed federalissts
-Opposed Jay treaty
-Supported good relations with France
-Strict constitution
-Opposed hamiltons principles
-Favored low taxes, states rights, and reduced spending
-Opposed standing army or navy

Were the principles consistent during their presidencies?
You're partly right. Check these sites for details.

