I have a question on math homework that asks : What do we call the numbers that cannot be arranged into 2-row arrays?
Ginner: I looked up contemporary numbers in several math dictionaries, and none of them listed that term.
I looked at her paper - there is a line above that has a note her teacher had them write - ODD numbers I think is the answer - we will see. Thank you for your time and efforts!
Ginners Mom
what do you call the numbers that cannot be arranged into a 2-row array
what do we call the numbers that cannot be arranged into 2-row arrays?
what do we call the numbers that cannot be arranged into two row arrays?
i don't know
odd numbers
My son is in fifth grade and is doing dot arrays and the even numbers he said are called factors, so what are the odd numbers called? I thought they were prime numbers but he said no
i don't know
what do you call the numbers that cannot be arranged into 2-row arrays
20 answers
I need help with my homework!
which of the following # can be arrangerd into arrays w/ two rows:9,16,2,15,20,33
well i am in fifth grade i am on my last problem and no one nos the anwerds
well i am in fifth grade i am on my last problem and no one nos the answer
what do you call them?
The answer is Even. 2,4,6,8.....
The other would be odd. 3,5,7,9......
not happy with this new math, why can't they just say multiplication and division? But I do agree, the answer has to be odd numbers.
What do we call the numbers that cannot be arranged into 2-row arrays?
i don't know im in fifth grade and im trying to figure it out too