i have a question and i have no answer to it.....
How does atmosphetic pressure change as you move away from the surface of Earth.
i think the answer is gravity, I THINK NOT S.U.R.E. OF IT......................................................
thank uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
5 answers
For one thing it has to do with the number of molecules in a given space.
Atmospheric pressure decreases as one leaves the surface of the earth. The atmospheric pressure is lower on Pike's Peak than at sea level because of the elevation of Pike's Peak. Astronauts need space suits and oxygen when in space in order to live because there is no atmosphere in space to have a pressure.
Remember, atmospheric pressure is due to the force of gravity on all the air above you. As you go up, the amount of air is less above you, and the attraction of gravity is lessened a little.
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