I have a question, an honest question that I just would like to have answered not a criticism. I've heard of this "predisposition" on a couple different occasions but I don't buy it. From what I understood from the reading the stem cells react to situations basically. They develop upon need. If we were "born" to something why then do your neurons develop so greatly over the 15 months vs. right off the bat? What patterns are created during those 15 months? How might they differ in another situation? From what I learned from the psychology book 8thed prentice-hall, neurons in your brain change constantly. As I learn and read and write my brain has to change to accomodate the new information and ideas. Wouldn't it (learning) be exponentially increased at birth and beyond? Yes? I agree, then why couldn't your neuron "map" be created according to what you learn? I don't know, I'm just throwing that out there because I have no idea. Based on the experiment that I call, "my life," I'd have to say that my personality was a necessity, based on what I know of my parentage. How many others can make the same observation? Heck, I could be completely wrong but I don't think so. We're born little bundles of joy with the brain development of a turnip...hard to believe, genes or no genes, that we're born with certain dispositions.
All of your behavior is due to a combination of genetic and environmental/learning factors. However, depending on the behavior, the amount of genetic (wired in) and learning influence varies. For example, a neonate turning its mouth to the breast and suckling is essentially innate (inborn). More complex behaviors require learning experiences. However, with most behaviors — although we know it is a combination of factors — we do not know how much is due to genetics and how much is due to learning.
For learning to permanently effect your brain , it has to be very repetitive rather than one or two occurences. Even then, subsequent events can modify those changes. It becomes very complex.
Your "personality" involves the typical behaviors that you exhibit over a wide variety of situations. These typical responses are a combination of genetic and environmental factors. However, although we know there has to be a genetic basis, we don't know how much environment modifies these genetics.
It is useless to get locked into a "heredity vs. environment" argument. See
I hope this helps. Thanks for asking.
First of all when you're talking about feeding I believe that would be hard wired of course, that's what we call instinct. Other than that you didn't contradict a thing I said. I quote, "--we do not know how much is due to genetics and how much is due to learning." Then you follow that statement with the definitive, "it has to be very repetitive rather than one or two occurences." I just have a problem with "fact" statements such as these. If you know that factually, then how long does it take a neuron to develop and/or change? What EXACTLY takes place when new memories occur? I just don't buy it. I don't mean to sound argumentative, there are just way too many mysteries about the brain to be so definitive. Even the text uses words like "might" and "possibly" or "it can be reasonably assumed" etc. They know what they know and what they might know and what they don't know. Of course without researching everything they say how would I know one way or the other?