I have a question about the psychological syndrome called gaslighting. Have there been any recent case studies of actual "gaslighting" as it's seen in the 1944 film Gaslight where psychologist have proof of one individual purposely trying to drive another insane through manipulative behavior and lies.

3 answers

I didn't find any online case studies of gaslighting. However, The Gaslight Effect by Dr. Robin Stern apparently includes case studies.

I actually already found Ms. Stern's book. I recommend it. She does use anonymous case studies that show gaslighting the way we think of it today, but I was curious to see if there was any other literature or scientific studies done on the subject. I'm especially curious to see if there are current examples of gaslighting that closely mirror the movie, where one individual purposefully tries to make the other literally insane for some gain, monetary or otherwise.
Thanks for your help.
gaslighting is not a syndrome its a act, u gaslight someone to gain something, i would recommend the book "how to drive your enemies crazy" it has some good stuff on gaslighting