I have a question about American imperialsim. The American belief in superiority was one major factor that led to American imperialism. What were the social, economic, and strategic factors that also played a role in American imperialism?

Thank you!

1 answer

Social factors:
1. Social Darwinism: The belief that certain races and nations were superior to others played a significant role in American imperialism. The idea that Western civilization was superior to other cultures encouraged the push for expansion, as many believed that it was America's duty to spread their democratic ideals, culture, and technological advancements to less developed countries.
2. Religious motivations: American missionaries played a role in spreading Christianity and their values to other countries. These missionaries believed that they were morally obligated to convert and "civilize" people in foreign lands.

Economic factors:
1. Raw materials and natural resources: American businesses sought access to new markets, raw materials, and natural resources to support rapid industrial growth. Expanding into foreign territories allowed the U.S. to have increased access to these resources, which further fueled economic growth and development.
2. New markets: As the domestic market became saturated, American businesses looked for new markets abroad to sell their goods and products. Imperialism provided opportunities to establish trade relations with foreign countries and access new consumers.

Strategic factors:
1. Military advantage: The U.S. sought to establish military bases in strategic locations around the world to protect American interests and ensure national security. For example, the annexation of Hawaii and the acquisition of Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines after the Spanish-American War allowed the U.S. to have a stronger naval presence in the Pacific and Caribbean regions.
2. Competition with European powers: American imperialism was, in part, a response to the expansion of European powers during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The U.S. sought to expand its global influence and keep up with European rivals to maintain its position as a dominant world power.