I have a project for social studies that is due when we come back from break (4/16/12).
Choose one of the projects listed below to show your understanding of one or more of the following Amendments 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 to the Constitution:
I choose one and I can easily do and I asked my Social Studies teacher if I can do another one for extra credit and she said yes.
Here is what I choose:
D. Make a poster showing your understanding of an Amendment(s). You will include a written explanation of the Amendment(s) in your own words.
I. Write a report on all 8 of the noted Amendments. Provide an explanation of each Amendment in your own words.
I want to write a report because since I'm a good writer (good at writing reports, essays, research papers, journal entries, etc.) and I wanted to create a poster because I'm really creative when creating posters. Right now I'm working on the report. So far I finish the 1st amendment. Can you check to see if it's good. BTW - can you provide me any info. (websites) that tells interesting, fun, and good facts about the 2nd amendment so I can put it into a paragraph in my own words.
1st Amendment
Freedom of ….
Religion – an inalienable right
Assembly – Getting together to share ideas.
Press – make information available to people
Petition – As a United States citizen, you have the right to Petition state government and legislatures
Speech – you have the right to freely express yourself - encompassing all types of expression. Including the freedom to create and distribute movies, take photographs, paint, write songs, etc.
2 answers