I have a paper topic for my ethics class and I was wondering anyone could help me to understand it. Maybe dumb it down a bit? would be greatly appreciated.
Social relationships are rooted in biological relationships Thus, Sexual relations and content should be carefully regulated by society
3 answers
Your second statement, beginning with "Thus", does not follow from the first. The conclusion may be true up to a limited degree, for the good of society, but you will need to do a better job proving it than by pursuing the thesis statement.
That wasn't even my writing. That was the topic given to me for my short paper. I'm pretty lost.. Can anyone help?
I agree with drwls; this will be a nearly impossible thesis to support.
I see no defense for this statement: "Sexual relations and content should be carefully regulated by society." Perhaps your instructor would let you argue the opposite -- that society should stay out of private sexual relations.
I see no defense for this statement: "Sexual relations and content should be carefully regulated by society." Perhaps your instructor would let you argue the opposite -- that society should stay out of private sexual relations.