I have a number of questions. please answer as many possible according your expertise.

1. i have seen for sale fossils of ginger and garlic in an antiquity shop. they look like ginger/garlic but is rock hard. the price is about $8 each, which seems like to be very cheap. the shopkeeper says they were found near a cave.
a)how do I determine whether they are really fossil or not?
b)if they are really fossil, then what is the expected range of age?
c)how much do you estimate to be the real value of if they are real fossils?

4 answers

see other post.
•It is done by Carbon dating. Carbon is the basic basic building block of life and has an amazing memory. Rays of the Sun which are radioactive enter our atmosphere and collide with Nitrogen atoms to create the radioactive isotope, Carbon-14.

•We have both Carbon-12 and Carbon-14 in our bodies at all times and we continue to gain more every day that we live. Fossils are dated this way.

•The Carbon-14 decays with its half-life of 5,700 years, while the amount of Carbon-12 remains constant in the fossil. By looking at the ratio of Carbon-12 to Carbon-14 in the sample and comparing it to the ratio in a living organism, it is possible to determine the age of a formerly living thing fairly precisely.

•Once dates for geologic layers have been established, the age of fossils within that layer can be inferred. When the age of fossils has been established, they can be used to date other geologic layers. This is commonly done in the oil and gas industry.
Given these views of Darwin, we can derive an expectation of the ratio of transitional to non-transitional fossils found. I include in the following only those factors which yield a differential expectation of discovery of transitional fossils displaying the action of natural selection.
EFR = (NSTP * NSPP * AP * SEVR * FSDP) and

where EFR is the "expected fossil ratio",
NSTP is the "natural selection time proportion",
NSPP is the "natural selection population proportion",
AP is the "area proportion",
SEVR is the "subsidence vs. elevation variation ratio",
FSDP is the "formation to species duration proportion",
ETF is the "expected number of transitional fossils",
and OFS is the number of "observed fossil species".
c)I think maybe $8.00 is right .A fossil's monetary worth is truly only equal to what a collector is willing to pay for it. Still, there are some key things to consider in order to know how to price a fossil, whether you are a collector or a dealer. I think maybe $8.00 is right Compare your fossil or one you're considering purchasing to museum casts to help determine identity and market value.