I have a History project, and I have to ask a person questions emigrating from their country to America. Can someone give me websites that have questions to ask?

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Just take the interrogative/question words and make up your OWN questions! (who, what, why, when, how much/many, where, etc.) When I went to live in another country, the main question they asked was how I would support myself. Other countries do not give a "free ride" to immigrants and do not accept them if they can't pay their own way!

Here are ideas for you:

1. http://library.thinkquest.org/CR0212700/final_website/questionnaire.html

2. aikuiskoulutus.kotka.fi/aito/docs/fi%20quest%20to%20immigrants.doc (this is a pdf file so you will have to download it)

3. http://immigration.findlaw.com/immigration/immigration-help/le6_4_1.html