i have a hard time calculating my grade & am in college. Please tell me the grade I have so far & will have, thank you!365 points in the course is needed. Lecture exams and quizzes are worth

about 60% of the total grade &90 ≤ A 80 ≤ B < 90
70 ≤ C < 80
60 ≤ D < 70
F < 60 There are 4 exams, each one is worth 55 pts. So far I have 2 Ds, 32/55, 32/55. A >= 47.7

B >= 42.4

C >= 37.1

D >= 31.8 And 6 lecture quizzes, worth 5pts each, so far I took one only. There are 11 labs, 2 are worth 20 pts, while the rest are 10 pts each. So, far I did 3 labs. I got 8/10, 9/10 & 19/20. Thank you!

4 answers

Math person needed!!
Hmmm. Not everything seems to be in synch here.

4 exams @ 55 pts = 220
6 quizzes @ 5 = 30
So, exams & quizzes make up 250 pts

11labs, 2@20+9@10 = 130 pts


250/480 = 52%, not 60% as alleged
365/480 = 76%, but that's a middle C grade, not just barely passing. Is that what you mean by "needing" 365 pts? You want a solid C?

Now for the data:
You don't say what you made on the quiz, so that's missing.

Let's assume you made 5 pts on the lab.
So, your total so far is 32+32+5+8+9+19 = 105 out of 160 = 65.6%

Things aren't looking too good at the moment.

You need another 260 pts to make your 365.
Yes, I have to have c+ to pass this class.so far I have 65.6% & need 76% to pass? If I take the other 8 labs, 3 quizzes, 2 exams that are left & get C's on exam or Ds;do you think I'll get B?

Thank you so much!
And I forgot to add, out of the 6 quizzes I only took 2. 4/5. I know I'll do good on the labs & exams but the quizzes are kinda hard. Do you think the quizzes will hurt my grade in the end?
thank you!