I have a group project that needs to be completed by friday. There are two options that we can consider. One, the questions that needs to be answered are divided evenly by each participant. Or two, each participant doea the entire project by themselves and then after we compare and talk bout it; then hand in the final project with the correct answers. What would you reccomend? Why? No one has yet done anything and the group leader has not put stict guidelines. I personally thought that each participant should do the entire project and then compare with the answers of all participants. This ensures that everyone learns the material, everyone paritipates...etc etc. The project by the way is like regular assignments that we do, the only difference is that we have 4 - 5 others helping with it too. Those who do not participate within a reasonable time period will be notified to the course instructor. I need feedback please.
If the project is not so long that it would take too much time for each person, then your 2nd suggestion sounds the most reasonable because everyone would then have familiarity with the entire project and the views of others, i.e. they could compare notes. With suggestion 1 each person would only know there part and would have to rely on others for the project's success. This would be a good approach if you were dividing a project up based on individual specialties though. But if it is such that everyone can do the project individually and compare solutions, then your reason that everyone learns the material sounds best to me.
Thank you Roger :o)
What do you suggest?
1 answer
Wow this person must be in their 30’s now