I have a final due within 9 wks from now. I have to do an interview to a different religion which is not mine. I am catholic. But i don't know what type of questions are good enough to ask. Does anyone know of a site or some type of good questions to ask.I just know the basic such as:
what do you celebrate?
Do you guys baptize?
Do you believe in gods , which ones?
I don't know what are the right questions to ask. I'd like to get started on my final since it is a difficult subject for me that way it gives me more time to work on it.
I found something about the Hindu Religion in a website.
What do they celebrate?
The god they believe in:
What foods they eat:
Chicken,Fish,Vegetable (BUT NO BEEF)
What do they wear:
Lahenga,Salwar Kamiz,Sari
Do they do fasting?
Wifes do fasting for their husband one day
Hope this helps!
Please help me with my homework too!
Jasmine, suggestion - use this site and turn the titles of each of the chapters or paragraphs into a question you might ask someone about their religion.