I have a few questions regarding the issue of jemaah prayer for women.

We know that the prayers made in the masjidil haram is 100,000 times than other
places. Yet, for a woman prayer in her house is better.

1. Does this mean that a woman’s prayer at home will be better than a man by
more than 100,000 times?

2. Does this hadis also apply to women coming for Hajj or Umrah

3. Men are asked not to prevent their wives to go to mosque. Is this an order or just an advice?

4. A human would have the rational (which is dominated by the left brain) and also the emotional (which is dominated by the right brain) dimension. However, it seems that the Quran focus mainly on the rational aspect of the human psyche. Usually people are more likely to be swayed and influenced through emotions rather than logic. What is your comment in this issue.

1 answer

I am not well enough informed about Islam to help directly, but you may find the information you need by searching for jemaah prayer for women at these websites:


