I have a few more doubts on the same topic. I really hope you can havea look at these sentences, too.
1)There were (was ?) also a kitchen with a fridge, a shining bathroom and a very large balcony.
2) We spent our time above all (?) eating a lot of special and characteristic foods (??).
3) The trip was a good chance (?) to spend some time with my parents. Our tourist guide, Abdul, let us have a look t his collection of Arabian jewels.
4) One day he took us to see an Arabian marriage. We arrived there by camel. Other people got there by donkey or horse.
5) The bride had a beautiful, red dress and her face was tattooed.
6) After the ceremony the couple left by elephant whereas we stayed there and enjoyed the wedding party.
7) Each room had (a) radio, (a) color television, wifi internet access and a privat bathroom with a shower or a bath.
1 answer
2. Overall, we spent out time eating...
3. OK
4. I'd use "wedding" rather than "marriage" -- "wedding" is referring to the ceremony and the party; "marriage" is referring to the union and all the years a couple is in the relationship.
5. comma needed
6. two commas needed
7. keep the articles ("a"); comma needed; private (spelling)