I have a dilemma; my English professor doesn’t give us our grades so I currently don’t know what percent I am at in the class. I really need to know since I need to know if I’ll be passing or not. He doesn’t grade anything with percent’s, and gives us letter grades on our assignments. Based on The following information, can anyone sort of guess or explain to me what grade I might be at in the class?
His assignments and their worth in the class:
Class discussion: 10%
Essay 1: 20%
Essay 2 : 20%
Essay 3: 20%
Midterm exam : 15%
Final exam : 15%
My grades in the class:
Not sure on class discussion since he doesn’t give us any marks for those
Essay 1: C
Essay 2: C+
Essay 3: Havn’t done yet
Midterm exam : C+
Final: havnt done
Based on all this I’m guessing im at a C+ but I am not sure , he is a very hard marker, I have never received marks like this before. Can anyone help determine where I stand in the class? thank so much
4 answers
It's a C or C+ now.
Alright, thank you so much. I am not happy with my marks at all, but I suppose some professors have high expectations.
You're welcome.
The best you can do now is to work extra hard to try for As on your other essay and test.
The best you can do now is to work extra hard to try for As on your other essay and test.
Yes absolutely. I will try my hardest, afterall the only thing I can do is to try my very best:)