I have a compound
ch3 = ch- ch - oh
the ch3 is under the first ch from the left, i have to identify the monomer unit and draw a structure showing three monomer unit
any help
i have a compound
CH3= CH - CH - OH
and another CH3 under the first CH from the left , I have to identify the monomer unit and draw a structure showing three monomer unit
can any one please help as im really lost
yes it is but i don't understand what you have wrote what does nbsp mean
and yes the spacing is hard to do lol
I erased what I had done because it didn't space as I had intended. Let me try again.
If it is like this, you have two five-valent carbons and a three-valent carbon.
CH3= CH - CH - OH
This compound is incorrect! If carbon only has four valance orbitals, and four valance electrons (so four bonding electrons), you cannot have a double carbon bond, and three hydrogens attached. this would require carbon having 5 valence electrons.
Also, you couldn't possibly have another CH3 under the first CH from the left for the same reason; you have three carbon-carbon bonds already, and then a hydrogen on top of that, filling up all four valence orbitals.
Maybe this is why you can't name the structure.