Go through the directions here. Then post a set of sentences you have any problem with.
I have a combining sentence worksheet to do and I don't know how to do that.
6 answers
Please give us a couple of examples, and we'll be glad to show you how to combine sentences.
well i have a worksheet that says combining sentences to write a paragraph and its really long.
if you want me to i can type the whole thing.
if you want me to i can type the whole thing.
You'll need to do that. There's no way we can guess what's on your worksheet.
about nine hundred known comets
comet's tail can extend 93.2 million miles
comet's nucleus can be .5 to 12 miles across
once considered bad omens
today greeted with excitement and curiosity
have elliptical orbits
orbits vary widerly
one of the best-known comets named after scienctist Edmund Halley.
Halley established that the same comets return periodically.
Halley'd comet made a spectacular display in 1910.
Earth actually passed through the comet's tail in 1910.
in 1910 was visible in broad daylight
produced numerous meteor showers in 1910
Halley's comet was observed by the Chinese as early as 240 B.C.
Halley'd comet reappered in 1986.
1986 sighting was dull by comparison with 1910 diplay
comets made up of rock, ice, water
contain traces of ammonia and methane
comets left over from the formation of the solar system
These regions are the Kuiper belt and the Oort cloud.
Comets can hit planets.
A piece from a comet entered Erath;s atmosphere in 1908.
called the comet Enke
Encke exploded over Siberia.
The explosion is known as the Tunguska fireball.
explosion heard more than 500 miles away
much destrustion in the area
Some people think a comet hit Earth 65 million years ago.
killed the dinosaurs and much of life on Earth
Comet Shoemaker-Levy broke into twenty-one pieces.
Pieces of Shoemaker-Levy hit Juoiter in 1994.
caused more damage than thousands of nuclear explosions
some comets visited by spacecraft
fascinaing photographs taken
comet's tail can extend 93.2 million miles
comet's nucleus can be .5 to 12 miles across
once considered bad omens
today greeted with excitement and curiosity
have elliptical orbits
orbits vary widerly
one of the best-known comets named after scienctist Edmund Halley.
Halley established that the same comets return periodically.
Halley'd comet made a spectacular display in 1910.
Earth actually passed through the comet's tail in 1910.
in 1910 was visible in broad daylight
produced numerous meteor showers in 1910
Halley's comet was observed by the Chinese as early as 240 B.C.
Halley'd comet reappered in 1986.
1986 sighting was dull by comparison with 1910 diplay
comets made up of rock, ice, water
contain traces of ammonia and methane
comets left over from the formation of the solar system
These regions are the Kuiper belt and the Oort cloud.
Comets can hit planets.
A piece from a comet entered Erath;s atmosphere in 1908.
called the comet Enke
Encke exploded over Siberia.
The explosion is known as the Tunguska fireball.
explosion heard more than 500 miles away
much destrustion in the area
Some people think a comet hit Earth 65 million years ago.
killed the dinosaurs and much of life on Earth
Comet Shoemaker-Levy broke into twenty-one pieces.
Pieces of Shoemaker-Levy hit Juoiter in 1994.
caused more damage than thousands of nuclear explosions
some comets visited by spacecraft
fascinaing photographs taken
I'll do two for you; then it'll be your turn.
about nine hundred known comets
comet's tail can extend 93.2 million miles
comet's nucleus can be .5 to 12 miles across
There are about nine hundred known comets, whose tails can extend 93.2 million miles and whose nuclei can be 0.5 to 12 miles across.
once considered bad omens
today greeted with excitement and curiosity
Once considered bad omens, comets are greeted with excitement and curiosity today.
Give them a try.
about nine hundred known comets
comet's tail can extend 93.2 million miles
comet's nucleus can be .5 to 12 miles across
There are about nine hundred known comets, whose tails can extend 93.2 million miles and whose nuclei can be 0.5 to 12 miles across.
once considered bad omens
today greeted with excitement and curiosity
Once considered bad omens, comets are greeted with excitement and curiosity today.
Give them a try.