1000cc of .75 is 750 ml of pure h2so4
750=.98 Volume
volume acid= 750/.98=
765ml acid
so, put 235ml of water in a beaker, then slowly stir in the 765ml acid adding the acid in small quantities.
Wear gloves, rubber apron, and googles, and in a fume hood.
I have a chemistry question
Please advise how do I prepare 1L of 75% H2SO4 from concentrated H2SO4 (98% of density 1.84g/ml)? Do you have an equation which i can use? Someone gave me the following equation but I do not understand it.
Vx1.84x0.98={(1000-V)+ 1.84V}0.75
where V= volume of conc H2S04 needed to prepare 1L of 75% H2SO4.
Thanks for your help.
1 answer