i had to write a paper on the details that show the impact of the problem (effects)on jack, ruth, and the company

section 2
the steps needed to change the situation
reason to implement each step, inc luding the benefits to your employees, your role in the change

could you tell me if it is written correctly? here is what i got:

For the past three months work-related problems have occurred, causing conflicts between co-workers. The ongoing problems require attention, so we can better assist our daily clients.
The in-office situation came about a month after Jessica Hilo took a medical leave. During this time, Ralph and Frank were temporarily assigned her duties, resulting in an unequal balanced work flow. Frank has complained about Ruth’s poor quality in work, and I have noticed that she is working overtime at least twice a month, which costs the company additional money. On the other hand, Jack frequently has little work to do, but always completes his work professionally. Ralph has an assistant that works full-time, and Frank’s assistant only works fifteen hours a week.
To be successful the company needs teamwork. I do not fee that the co-workers are performing daily office tasks as well as they can and would like to offer some suggestions. I feel we should equally balance the work flow. Instead of assigning Jessica’s work to Ralph and Frank, let Jack, Ralph and the full-time assistant temporarily take up the slack. When it is determined that Jessica isn’t coming back to work; hire someone to take her place.

1 answer


Did you even read and understand bobpursley's comments? I see no corrections at all.