I had to fill in the blanks of this phrase with the following words:

Word Bank:
radoucira, irons, fera, etre, doux, devraient, pleuvra

La semaine prochaine, il est certain qu’il ne ___(1)___ pas du tout. Il ___(2)___ certainement plus ___(3)___. Les températures ne ___(4)___ pas ___(5)___ très élevées. Il se ___(6)___ et nous ___(7)___ au lac faire un pique nique.

1. pleuvra
2. devraient
3. radoucira
4. fera
5. etre
6. doux
7. irons

1 answer

In general, you have done reasonable work, because you seem to catch the sense of the text. Here are some hints to help you in future exercises and to correct the present text.

One good way to do these problems is to translating mentally and reading it aloud to check if it makes sense, sentence by sentence if preferred.

Another good practice is to group words that frequently go together and see if they make sense in the text.

For example,
"devraient" goes with a subject which is third person plural, and should necessarily be followed by an infinitive verb which may be on the list (être is the only one) or in the text.

When you fill in the words, make sure the function of the word works in the sentence. For example, for #6,
Il se doux et...
does not work because doux is an adjective, but you're looking for a verb (third person singular), so you need to go through the list to look for one that fits.

Answers (1), (5), and (7) are correct.

The other numbers can be readily corrected using hints and methods I mentioned earlier.