I had a lab about calorimetry where we would have a temperature probe in a calorimeter cup and then pour hot water into it to form a mixture until our graph (automatically plotted from the data that's recorded by the computer). Now for the report they ask us to draw a vertical line at where we poured in the hot water. Then a horizontal line at where the cold water was and another horizontal line for the downward curve of the hot water. That would give us our points Tc and Tf for cold and final. Now my question is, they ask us to explain to them how we got the temperatures Tc and Tf, now is there a way to calculate this? They don't give us any information on the graph, like no slope or anything.

2 answers

Plus, would that be the temperature I use in my calculations of Heat, or do I take the initial temperature of my column and the final one? I doubt it's this though
so I found out I need to extrapolate the temperature, but how do I do that, if I only have a graph and no other information