1. What does Creon do when he realizes his course is wrong? You should trace his actions/words throughout the play to see how long it takes him to make this correction.
2. http://www.nhinet.org/lines.htm and http://www.novelguide.com/antigone/themeanalysis.html
3. http://www.gradesaver.com/antigone/study-guide/about/
Use Ctrl + F and type in chorus to find when it's mentioned. You need to make sure you know who the chorus is made up of.
I had a couple of questions about Antigone.
1. Teiresias says to Creon that "A good man yields when he knows his course is wrong and repairs the evil." How does this apply to Creon?
I think Creon does this in the end but I need a more detailed answer; I havn't quite gotten to the end but that's what I think he'll do.
2. According to the Ancient Greeks, how was justice met in Antigone?
3. Trace the role of the Chorus throughtout the play. What does it do and say?
I read what the Chorus said but I don't quite understand it.
Thanks for the help! -MC
2 answers
OK thanks