I forgot to include these sentences:

1) I use the Internet to be kept up-dated (or to keep-up-to date) on the latest news (meaning to be informed on the ...)
2) is the spelling and word choice of the following food correct?
Saurkraut (without plural), some asparagus (without plural)/spinach, kaki (without plural) or persimmon , kiwi fruit (or kiwi/kiwis),
a pot of jogurt, a carton of milk,, half a dozen egg (do you say a carton of eggs) a bag of deep-frozen (?) peas,
a half-liter bottle of water (??)
a one-liter bottle ..., a can of..
3) can you say a potato and tomato salad, a turkey sandwich, a turkey steak, horse mincemeat, veal cutlet or Wiener Schnitzel, to coat a cutlet with (is it correct?) breadcrumbs
4) Can you say "the centrepiece of the meal is turkey (meaning the main part of the meal is ...??)


1 answer

1. Either phrasing works fine -- just delete any hyphens. They're not needed here.

2. Sauerkraut, asparagus, spinach, persimmon, kiwifruit -- only "persimmon" would have an added -s to make it plural. All others have no separate plural form.

yogurt - American spelling

carton of milk - yes

half a dozen eggs (a carton of eggs would mean a dozen or sometimes 18)

a bag of frozen peas (no need for "deep")

All others here and in #3 are correct.

4. Yes, that's fine.
