I forgot to include the very last sentences. Thank you.
1) You have to be yourself and don’t change to be accepted in a group. If they’re your friends, they’ll accept you for who you are.
2)The character is a person represented (?) or presented in a story.
3)'m wearing white shoes over a pair of red socks.
4) The Celts were skilled with iron, fishing, hunting and agriculture.
Emperor Honorious retreated his troops to make room for the invasion of the Anglo-Saxons that destroyed the Roman cities and gave origins to the name England.
5) The Anglo-Saxon culture included deep-sea fishing.
6)The narrator can be obtrusive when he interferes in the story giving personal point of views (?)
7) What influences the most is the personality that that person created (has created?) in her/his whole life. You have to be yourself and don't change to be accepted in a group (by the group members is also possible?)
1 answer
2 - not "represented"
3 - "...white shoes and red socks"
4 - The Celts were skilled in iron-making, fishing, hunting and agriculture.
Emperor Honorious order his troops to retreat to make room for the invasion of the Anglo-Saxons that destroyed the Roman cities and gave origins to the name England.
5 - OK
6 - OK
7 - What influences _____ the most is the personality that that person has created in her/his whole life. What goes in the blank? readers? writers? people? What??
You have to be yourself and don't change to be accepted by the members of a group.