1 - "third-person" in both places (hyphen needed)
2 - OK
3 - delete (obtrusive)
4 - in
I forgot to include the following statements. I really hope you can have a look at them, too. Thank you very much in advance.
1)The third-person narrator is a narrator who stands outside the story and uses the third person voice to refer to the characters.
2) A third-person narrator can tell the story as an omniscient narrator with an unlimited point of view or from the point of view of one of the characters.
3) The omniscient third-person narrator can be intrusive (obtrusive) when he addresses the reader directly by making personal remarks on the society of the time, on some of the characters.
4) The narrator is unobtrusive when he shows what happens but does not interfere with (in?) the story.
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