1) We went sightseeing in that huge city. We had a guided tour.
The sad part of ____ was in Chile. They stole a lot from us. [I don't understand the reference.]
2) Actually, the hotel was a five-star hotel with no restaurant or pools, and the TV was really small. It was the most expensive and also the poorest.
3) We lost a lot of money there. We stayed the whole time in rooms called triples, and none of the hotels was full-service.
I forgot to include the following sentences. Thank you very much
1) We went sightseeing in that huge city. We had a guided tour.
The sad part was in Chile. They stole a lot from us.
2) Actually, they hotel was a five-star-hotel with no restaurant or pools an the TV was really small. It was the most expensive and also the poorest.
3) We lost a lot of money there. We stayer he whole trip in three-bedded rooms and none of the hotels was full-service.
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