I don't understand predicates. What are they and how do I figure out what is the predicate in a sentence?

The predicate is simply the main verb and all that modifies or describes it.

He raced home as fast as he could.
He = subject
raced = main verb
raced home as fast as he could = predicate

The three little old ladies went to tea.
ladies = subject
went = main verb
went to tea = predicate

Basically, if you draw a vertical line between the subject and the verb (usually right in front of the verb), you'll see the complete subject before the line and the complete predicate after the line.

Jack and Jill | went up the hill.
Jack | fell down and broke his crown.
Jill | came tumbling after.

He | raced home as fast as he could.
The three little old ladies | went to tea.

Let me know if you have further questions.


Here's a really good webpage that has lots more explanation and examples:


The "predicate" is the verb and everything that modifies or relates to the verb in a sentence. It is what the subject "acts" or "is".

The dog (bit the boy )

The dog (is a toy)

This site will give you lots of information on predicates.


This is a subject/predicate game that will help you practice.

The predicate is the verb and the other words that go with it. Here are a couple of examples with the complete subject in italics and the complete predicate in boldface.

The girl in the red hat is my favorite cousin.

Do you see that yellow bird in the maple tree?

This site has more information.
