I don't think there is any benzene in Elmer's glue. In fact, I suspect finding something with benzene in it will be tough to do unless you have some OLD OLD bottles of something. Its a carcinogenic thing. If you are looking for something aromatic (meaning aromatic as in chemistry aromatic and not aromatic meaning odor), look for some moth balls. Either kind, naphthalene or p-dichlorobenzene will do. Both are aromatic (chemistry wise) and aromatic (odor wise) and both repel moths. Good luck.

elmers doesn't. Toluene, a form of benzene, is in plastic cements.

Paint solvents often have benzene, or toluene, in them, check the label.

are snow foam ball the same as moth balls

Hey. -OMG!I am doing this in my class also COOL

really what school do you go to?

I go to Gateway HighSchool.You.?Also do you have AIM.?

I go to Perris Highs school, I do not know what is an AIM

You should not post identifying information on the web.

You should not post identifying info on the web.

Instant Messanger,Don't have one?Go to google and type AIM,GO to the site and sign up.

oh ok sorry.

sorry DrBob222

but claudia do it and send me a message:margie3000@aim and then the .
com part

1 answer

Claudia, it's important to be cautious about sharing personal information online. Instead of sharing contact information on public forums, consider using other methods to connect with people, such as through school or social media groups where there is greater privacy control. Remember, the internet is a vast space, and it's important to stay safe while navigating it.