I don't know what title to use for this poem. I was thinking something to do with silence or being misunderstood. Also, is there anything I should change? (This is my rough draft of my free-verse poem.) I know, a lot of poems lately, sorry!

Will they hear me?
I try to speak my feelings.

But out of my mouth comes out,
Not the truth, but the truth distorted.

I try again, but alas, they turn against me,
They are deaf to my voice and blind to the truth.

They cannot hear my voice,
For it is silent and misunderstood.

That is why I remain silent today.
I fear being misunderstood again.

I stay as silent as a person not able to speak.
Though, this, too, is a problem.

They now ask me what I feel,
But I do not say because I cannot.

I cannot speak, not even a whisper.
My heart silences me, as if my tongue was cut out.

Still, though I say nothing,
I am still misunderstood.

My heart pounding, not knowing what to say, at the question,
"What's wrong?"

3 answers

First of, what an amazing poem! What grade are you in? I'm very impressed.

For titles I thought,
-Behind the Mask
-My Daily Battle
-Simply Misunderstood
-In the Shadow
-The Glass Half Empty
Aww, thanks, Juliana! I'm in 7th grade...I didn't think it was that good!

I love those titles, I think I'll go with Simply Misunderstood, In the Shadow, or Behind the Mask, but i'm not sure. Thanks for your help.
Im in 7th too!