I don't know what possible consequences to the society when someone fails to act responsibly while participating in skydiving, mountain biking, mountain climbing, bungee jumping, and skiing. I couldn't figure out what are the possible consequences to these activities. I really need your help.
2 answers
Other people may be more careful when they hear how injured the person is.
If a person doesn't act responsibly doing these risky endeavors, s/he could be seriously injured.
Society then pays for
* expensive and extensive medical care
* insurance rates may rise
* special education may need to be involved
* possible lack of functioning as a worker
* possible government disability payments for a lifetime
An example:
About two years ago a young friend of mine, age 11, was skiing, hit a patch of ice and skied headlong into a fence. He was wearing a helmet, was acting responsibly, yet suffered a fractured skull and brain injury. After three or four surgeries and a two-week hospital stay, he seemed on the road to recovery. However, in recent weeks, his behavior has become erratic, even suicidal and he's having a hard time in school. Although doctors have run more tests and he's seeing a counselor, the prognosis may not be good. Will he be able to finish school? Will he be able to hold a job? Or has he suffered permanent brain injury that will affect him and society the rest of his life? All of this is expensive to society.
Society then pays for
* expensive and extensive medical care
* insurance rates may rise
* special education may need to be involved
* possible lack of functioning as a worker
* possible government disability payments for a lifetime
An example:
About two years ago a young friend of mine, age 11, was skiing, hit a patch of ice and skied headlong into a fence. He was wearing a helmet, was acting responsibly, yet suffered a fractured skull and brain injury. After three or four surgeries and a two-week hospital stay, he seemed on the road to recovery. However, in recent weeks, his behavior has become erratic, even suicidal and he's having a hard time in school. Although doctors have run more tests and he's seeing a counselor, the prognosis may not be good. Will he be able to finish school? Will he be able to hold a job? Or has he suffered permanent brain injury that will affect him and society the rest of his life? All of this is expensive to society.