I don't know if my experience would be considered good or bad, but it really taught me a lesson. A few years ago, I was working a bank, and they had a representive from a cell phone company come and talk to everyone about getting a cell phone. I did not have a cell phone at the time, so I filled out an application, and I was approved. I received the phone in the mail a few days later, and I activated it. I was really excited because it was my first cell phone. A few days later when I was going to call my son's school, much to my suprise it was disconnected. I was really upset, so I called customer service, and they informed me that I had gone over my minutes that I was originally approved for and that I had to pay to have it turned back on. This made me even more upset, because I knew that I had not used that many minutes. I very seldom used the phone. I only got the phone to keep in contact with my son's school or just in case of an emergency. I returned the phone tot he company and told them that did not inform me I was on a limited plan and they had told me false information in order to get me to apply for the phone. I also told them that I was not going to pay the outstanding balance, because when I originally applied for the phone, I was told, no contract, no credit check, and no deposit. They turned my account over to a collection agency, so now I have an outstanding balance, and it shows up negative on my credit report. I will eventually have to pay the balance in order for me to improve my credit and remove this status from my credit report. I will never be approved for a credit card or loan as long as this shows up negative on my report. I am really cautious now when I apply for something using my social security number, and I make sure I have a understanding of the terms and conditions. determine the adverbs and adjectives in this paragraph.
1 answer
Also -- look up any word in a dictionary to find the part(s) of speech of that word.
This will get you started.
I don't (not - adv) know if my experience would be considered good (adj) or bad (adj), but it really (adv) taught me a lesson. A few (adj) years ago (adj), I was working a bank, and they had a representive from a cell phone (adj) company come and talk to everyone about getting a cell phone.
If you post the rest of the paragraph, identifying the adjectives and adverbs, we'll be glad to check them for you.