I don't know if its a scicnce condition question though but.If u have a condition called scoliosis which is have a condition with ur back that 1 of ur solider blades is bigger than the other and the spine is curved from not rlly sitting up staright at all rlly is there something that u can do to to make this better to improve like straighten out ur spine? I don't know how to put it in exact words of asking but is there?

12 answers

plz answer
You need to see a doctor about your scoliosis In the meantime, read this article.

I did see a doctor about it the other day they just told me I had this condition and that it meant that my shoulder blade was bigger then the other and that I had a curved spine from not sitting up straight
Ok. That article said that mild cases may take care of themselves. So -- sit up straight! :-)
Well, you definitely need to start sitting up straight. (i hope that you are now) But it really depends on how serious your condition really is. If it is serious your doc SHOULD have given you a brace to wear so your spine doesn't curve more and more. Which type curve you have? S or C shaped?

Once your doctor got you X rays (which he should have taken) then he/she should tell you whether or not your going to need surgery in the future.

So over all, you need a brace for your back. That will help you straighten or at the least keep your spine from curving any further.

Did i answer your question enough.? or do you want me to answer something more specifically?
I think u did just in case more specifically and I think it is c im not sure they didn't take a x-ray and it was in 2013 he said it wasn't serious but he didn't take a x-ray just in case to make sure
about the condition?
instead of telling me on here it will be eaiser if u gmail me
its Cocacolababerocker
at gmail . com
and the name of the use to look up is Okmision Heredity my big sis is let me use it today but she is also going to be using it today she will let me know if u gmail me
I'm not able to get on my email yet.. But when I can ill be sure to contact you and you can ask me whatever it is..