I don't know exactly what Im trying to prove anymore with this thesis
Various approaches to prevent steroids in sports have not been successful because athletes are now using hard-to-detect growth hormones to enhance performance.
help please.
9 answers
That's a good thesis. What you'd need to prove is that athletes are using growth hormones and why they are hard to detect.
Do you really think that would be a research paper ?
I mean I have had the toughest time trying to find scholarly articles on WHY its so hard to detect steroids in a humans body.
I mean I've found the general "Googled" ones but my professor wont accept anything BUT SCHOLARLY
I mean I've found the general "Googled" ones but my professor wont accept anything BUT SCHOLARLY
I think you will probably find it hard to prove that athletes are using undetected growth hormones. How do we know?
Maybe you could write about three or four of the most successful tests for any drugs.
Maybe you could write about three or four of the most successful tests for any drugs.
Do you think I can still use the same thesis ?
Heres is my first paragraph if anyone thinks there are flaws :
Steroids in the sports industry has made quite a challenge for anyone to judge a fair game. Various approaches to prevent steroids in sports have not been successful because athletes are now using hard-to-detect growth hormones to enhance performance. Today several advanced techniques have been introduced to try detect growth hormones in athletes such as “The Drug Diary” approach by Edward J. Bird and Gert G. Wagner or the Blue Sky Model by “ “ that the government have yet to analyze.
Steroids in the sports industry has made quite a challenge for anyone to judge a fair game. Various approaches to prevent steroids in sports have not been successful because athletes are now using hard-to-detect growth hormones to enhance performance. Today several advanced techniques have been introduced to try detect growth hormones in athletes such as “The Drug Diary” approach by Edward J. Bird and Gert G. Wagner or the Blue Sky Model by “ “ that the government have yet to analyze.
It's o.k. -- but the first sentence should be -- Steroids . . . have
Ms. Sue your "It's OK" sound very scary !
It might be hard to prove steroid use is on the rise, but easier to prove people are taking steps to search for more than just the old steroids of the past.