I do not understand the assignment my teacher gave me if possible can you find me an article so i can do my presentation that meets the standards that my teacher wants. You are required to report on one (1) What’s News article this semester.

Five minutes will be allotted to share with the class a What’s News article that is relative to:
Human Relations/People Skills topics. For example, articles on: organizational culture,
communication skills, conflict resolution, leadership, motivation and other related topics from
the chapters covered in your textbook. You may find articles from the following media(s)
only: “Bakersfield Californian, Los Angeles Times, Time Magazine, Wall Street Journal,
USA Today, New York Times and Money Magazine. No articles from: “Renegade Rip or
articles from the Internet.” In the beginning of your five (5) minute presentation: Write on
the board one positive fact in the form of a sentence that you’ve learned and desire for the
class to remember about the article. It must relate to Human Relations and/or and the
chapters we are discussing. A copy of the article from the actual source must be turned in to
receive a grade. Please select articles dated two (2) weeks prior to your presentation.