I did this question in this way but 2 of them correct ,is anyone can help me with this question ,many thanks.

Choose the words or phrases that most accurately complete the sentences below. Drag and drop your choices into their appropriate spaces.
One of the most effective measures that a government can undertake to reduce cardiovascular disease is to ………1………..((1)build sports facilities, ( 2)promote health check ups , (3)increase tax on tobacco ) Individuals can also decrease their own risk of developing CVD by reducing their consumption of ………………5………….((4)wine , (5) saturated fats ,( 6)protein )
and by……8………. ((7) Meditating, (8) walking to work each day).
A reduction in blood pressure also decreases risk and can be achieved by……………9………………. .((9) adopting a vegetarian diet , (10) taking aspirin daily, (11)taking an ACE inhibitor )

(1) build sports facilities, 2)promote health check ups , 3)increase tax on tobacco
(4) wine, (5) saturated fats ,( 6)protein
(7) meditating, (8)walking to work each day
(9) adopting a vegetarian diet , (10) taking aspirin daily, (11)taking an ACE inhibito

1 answer

To me, this is completely unintelligible.

If you just write out the paragraph with the words in the places you need (get rid of all the numbers and spaces), someone will more likely be able to help you.