I did the corrections myself. Just check if they are correct. I included some of them in parentheses.

1)Interior monologue is a technic used by Virginia Woolf to broadcast the intimate thoughts of her characters. It consists of the words used to describe a psychic event. It differs from the stream of consciousness because it is the psychic event itself.
1)Correction:The interior monologue is a technique used by V.W. to express the intimate thoughts occurring within her charactes’ mind. It is the verbal expression of a psychic phenomenon. It differs from the stream of c. because the latter is the psychic phenomenon itself.
2)In the reading taken from “To the Lighthouse” Woolf presents the thoughts of Mrs Ramsey while she is making a stocking for the housetaker’s son. First of all, she notices how shabby the furnitures look and starts thinking about buying new ones. After that, she admits herself she can’t see the point in buying new chairs, since the house is lived just by an old woman as housekeeper.
2)Correction: In the reading taken from “To the Lighthouse” Woolf presents the thoughts of Mrs Ramsey while she is knitting a stocking for the housetkeeper’s son. First of all, she notices how shabby the furniture looks and starts thinking about buying new one.
After that, she admits she can’t see the point of buying new chairs, since the house is occupied only by an old woman as housekeeper.
5)She suddenly thinks about the rent, which is just two-pence half penny: it is not too much and the house includes the visitor’s room.
6) Correction: She suddenly thinks about the rent, which is only two-pence half penny: It is not too much and the house includes the visitor’s room.

1 answer

1. "...within her charactes’ mind."~~> within her characters' minds.

"from the stream" <~~delete "the"


6. OK