I did my quiz and need someone to check my answers please. I read the book and came up with these answers.
1. The three classical ethical theories are (Points : 1)
ontology, utilitarianism, and radicalism.
emotivism, oncology, and virtue ethics.
deontology, virtue ethics, and materialism.
** utilitarianism, deontology, and virtue ethics.
2. Emotivism regards an act as moral for a person if that person (Points : 1)
approves of the act.
** disapproves of the act.
argues that it is justified by a rule.
argues that it supported by moral facts.
3. Utilitarians evaluate the morality of an act by examining the (Points : 1)
** consequences of the act.
the person carrying out the act.
the feelings of the person carrying out the act.
the amount of pain generated by the act.
4. An ethical egoist argues that you should do something if (Points : 1)
it makes everyone better off.
** it makes you better off.
it conforms to God’s laws.
it is illegal.
5. A relativist might say the following about marriage: (Points : 1)
** It could be permitted in some societies.
It cannot be permitted in any society.
It must be permitted in every society.
Marriage is defined as involving both a man and a woman.
6. The Golden Mean is best captured by which of these slogans? (Points : 1)
Nothing in excess
Death before dishonor
** Everything in excess
Greed is good
7. Different ethical theories (Points : 1)
can never offer useful information.
must always contradict each other.
**can agree that certain acts are morally justified.
always agree that certain acts are morally justified.
8. One studies ethics because (Points : 1)
** it provides insight into moral problems.
it solves all moral problems.
it causes migraine headaches.
it makes one more popular.
9. A philosophical argument should involve (Points : 1)
hurt feelings.
**evidence or reasons.
10. Two traditional approaches to utilitarianism are (Points : 1)
fundamental and secondary utilitarianism.
** act and rule utilitarianism.
direct and indirect utilitarianism.
first-order and second-order utilitarianism.
2 answers
**approves of the act.